Post-Operative Care After Hair Transplant

When it comes to restoring hair loss, hair transplantation in India has become a popular and effective solution. Once the transplant procedure is completed, it is important to provide proper care to ensure the success of the transplant. In this blog post, we will guide you through the post-operative care steps for transplanted hairs. Contrary to common misconceptions, transplanted hairs are just like your normal hairs and do not require any special care after the initial 30 days.

Day of the Hair Transplant

On the day of the transplant, once you go back home, it is essential to take a few precautions to protect the transplanted area. You should sleep straight in order to avoid any unnecessary friction or pressure on the transplanted hair follicles. By sleeping straight, you can ensure that the transplanted area is not affected and allow for proper healing. Donor area getting pressure is normal and nothing to be worried about.

Avoidance Period: Thins to Avoide after Hair Transplant

First 10 to 12 days

During the initial 10 to 12 days after the hair transplant, it is important to avoid certain activities and practices to promote proper healing. These precautions include:

1) Oiling of Hairs

Avoid using any hair oils during the first 10 to 12 days after the transplant. Hair oils can clog the hair follicles and hinder the healing process. It is best to allow the transplanted hairs to settle and heal naturally without the use of any oils.

2) Head Bath

For the first 10 to 12 days, it is recommended to avoid head baths. Water and shampoo can easily disturb the healing process and cause the newly transplanted hairs to dislodge. Instead, you can just allow a normal flow of water on the transplanted area and tap with a dry towel gently during this period.

3) Going into Direct Sunlight

Exposing the transplanted area to direct sunlight can have adverse effects on the healing process. The sun’s UV rays can damage the sensitive skin and hair follicles. It is crucial to protect the transplanted area by wearing a hat or using good quality sunscreen with high SPF.

4) Wearing a Helmet

Wearing a helmet can put pressure on the transplanted area and cause friction, which may result in the dislodging of the transplanted hairs. It is recommended to avoid wearing a helmet for the first 10 to 12 days post-transplant, or you can opt for wearing a loose-fitting cap instead to protect your head.

5) Activities which create Sweating

Engaging in activities that induce excessive sweating, such as swimming, jogging, or intense workouts, should be avoided for the first 10 to 12 days after the transplant. Sweat can irritate the scalp and potentially disturb the transplanted hair follicles. It is essential to give your scalp enough time to heal before resuming these activities.

Care to be taken after the completion of 30 Days

Once you have successfully completed the initial healing phase, you can resume your regular hair care routine and treat your transplanted hair just like your normal hair. Some guidelines to follow after 30 days include:

Applying Hair Oil

After 30 days, you can apply hair oil to your transplanted hair. Hair oil can help nourish the scalp and provide essential nutrients to the hair follicles. However, it is important to avoid excessive oiling, as it can again clog the hair follicles. Apply a small amount of oil and gently massage it into your scalp for best results.

Care to be taken after completion of 90 Days

After 90 days, you can start enjoying the full benefits of your transplanted hair. At this stage, the transplanted hairs have fully rooted and are firmly established. You can confidently go ahead and cut, trim or even dye your transplanted hairs as desired. Treat them like your normal hair and experiment with different hairstyles to express yourself freely.


In conclusion, post-operative care for transplanted hairs is essential during the initial healing period. It had a direct impact on your results and has to be followed very strictly. However, after the first 30 days, transplanted hairs can be treated just like normal hairs.

It is crucial to avoid certain activities such as oiling, head baths, direct sunlight exposure, wearing helmets, and sweating-inducing activities for the first 10 to 12 days. Following these precautionary measures will ensure the success and longevity of your hair transplant.

Remember, with proper care and patience, transplanted hairs will seamlessly blend with your natural hair, allowing you to enjoy a full, healthy, and confident head of hair. At Looks Studio, We are always happy to assist you during this phase and after the transplant, our Doctors, make sure you are explained these care steps clearly.

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