Studies show that in India, today, people in their 20s are balding at a much more rapid rate. For youngsters especially in a city like Pune, which is teeming with their peers, balding not only becomes embarrassing but also affects them psychologically. They become diffident, withdraw into their shells and find it hard to face the fact that they have a serious hair problem. Most of the time, a Hair Transplant remains the only solution.
Who is the Ideal Candidate For a Hair Transplant?
The age group of balding men in Pune is a frightening 25 to 35 years and hence, more youngsters are lining up for Hair Transplant. This is a serious issue, not only for cosmetic reasons but also because it hints at an unhealthy lifestyle. It is therefore advisable that we take a serious relook at our lifestyle. Interestingly, it is mainly the males who are the victims of hair loss. Endocrinologists opine that as of today most of these men are from the IT sector. They all suffer from ‘Male Pattern Baldness’. The reasons attributed to this are lack of iron deficiency & sunlight, stress, irregular diet, hormonal changes and related diseases like Thyroid and Diabetes. The solution for irreversible hair loss lies in Hair Transplant.
What Is the Cost Of a Hair Transplant In Pune?
The next obvious question that follows is what is the cost of a Hair Transplant in Pune? A hair transplant is a minimally invasive procedure that involves surgical equipment. This process takes 4 to 8 hours followed by medications and post-operation care. The treatment costs in Pune vary given the fact that everyone who needs it requires a different number of grafts. The average cost starts from a minimum of ‘50,000 and can go upwards of 1 lakh. The most favoured method is Bio Integrated FUE™ and its costing is calculated graft wise.
Hair transplantation as a treatment does not just revive your hair as the outcome is life-changing. For the amount you invest, the returns are manifold. You come into a hair transplant clinic, stressed and completely diffident and then you go through the process and follow the post-op instructions completely and at the end of six months, you are a different person altogether. To put it simply, you get your hair back and also your lost confidence.
To opt for a makeover or to post any query, consult our expert surgeons at Looks Studio!