Wrinkles are a fact of life. And one day, those subtle character lines around your eyes won’t be
so subtle anymore – but that’s inevitable, right? With all the products and treatments
advertised, solutions for wrinkles can feel like a minefield. So, learning about the natural ageing
process and how to treat and prevent fine lines can help you to reverse the ageing process.
It’s important to understand there is no real way to completely turn back the clock on ageing,
but there are some effective, clinically proven strategies to help reduce their appearance.

What Causes Wrinkles and Fine Lines?
Thinning layers of skin, a lack of collagen proteins and slow skin cell production each cause
wrinkles to form on your skin. The structural changes that take place within our skin as we grow
older are responsible for producing visible signs of ageing, varying from person to person based
on heredity and external factors.
Natural Ageing Lines
Everyone who ages experiences wrinkles. Rhytides are the first signs of wrinkles that form, first
appearing as fine lines before forming deeper creases. These are caused by a loss of collagen in
the skin as we naturally age.
After age 20, our bodies produce less collagen by 1% each year until we reach age 40 when
collagen production stops altogether. These intrinsic factors contribute to wrinkles, sagging and
Sun Damage
Sun damage or photoaging is the main cause of all damaged skin, including fine lines and
wrinkles. While soaking in natural vitamin D, you’re also advancing the ageing process of your
skin, impairing your skin’s collagen matrix. As essential proteins such as collagen and elastin
begin to break down, the skin will start to sag and wrinkle.
Repetitive Movements
Lines on your forehead, between your eyebrows (frown lines) and jutting from the corners of
your eyes (crow’s feet) develop because of muscle contractions.
If you can picture the creases that appear when you smile, laugh, squint, frown or raise your
eyebrows, then these same areas are prone to show signs of wrinkles when we get older – and
these are the areas we often target with various treatments.
Research has found that cigarette smoke releases an enzyme that damages collagen, causing a
loss of elasticity in the skin. If you’re concerned about the appearance of wrinkles, it’s best to
quit smoking to prevent any further damage.
Treatments for Wrinkles
From SPFs to miracle creams, there are plenty of preventative methods to reduce the signs of
ageing. However, for those of us searching for a solution to existing or developing fine lines and
wrinkles, there are nuseveralatments to choose from.
We have established that the reason we get wrinkles is due to reduced collagen and elastin in
our skin. It makes sense then, that most wrinkle treatments are aimed at replenishing these
Find the Solution at Looks Studio
Anti ageing services via injectables are notorious for reducing wrinkles and lines – but temporarily With both Botox and dermal fillers,
you can successfully treat wrinkles and lines on the forehead, nasolabial (smile lines) & marionette lines, crow’s feet and many more.
The Facial facelift is a non-surgical facelift involving derma fillers. Even out the tear trough concerns
Ever look back at old photos and think about how your face has changed?
It’s hard not to compare these pictures from the past with your current reflection in the mirror.
And your eyes are probably the biggest indicator of the passing of time.
Thing is, you’ve got a lot more control over this aspect of your appearance than you might
realise. You can’t turn back time, but you can do something about those dark circles.
How Does Tear Trough Filler Help With Dark Circles?
Your tear troughs are the natural indentations that occur just between the bottom of your lower
eyelid, and the top of your cheek.
As time passes, the following changes occur in this area;
Loss of subcutaneous fat. The layer of fat under the skin of your face and neck reduces
gradually over time – first with the loss of your ‘puppy fat, followed by the slow degradation of
the layers of subcutaneous fat that keep the skin taut and plump.
Thinning of the skin. As well as the loss of subcutaneous fat, the skin itself will thin over time,
due to a reduction in collagen production. The skin becomes less elastic and more prone to
‘bagginess’. As the skin thins and becomes more translucent, the dark blood vessels beneath the
skin become more visible, leading to dark circles (a process also known as
The procedure known as tear trough filler involves the injection of small amounts of a
hyaluronic acid gel along the length of both tear troughs.
Hyaluronic acid is a substance which occurs naturally in the human body. It’s already present in
your eyes and your joints, where it acts as a cushion and a lubricant.
Our expert clinicians will inject the gel, which will lift and support the fragile skin in the affected
area. They will then gently massage the treated area to give an instantly freshened, contoured
What Are The Side-Effects Of Tear Trough Filler?
Tear-through fillers are a relatively low-risk procedure, with few reported side effects. There may
be some slight swelling or bruising, lasting up to three days. The process takes
around thirty minutes from start to finish, and you can go back to work on the same day.
You should avoid touching or applying makeup on the affected area immediately after
treatment. Alcohol should be avoided for 24 hours, Ibuprofen for two days, and aspirin for seven
days – however, all the information you need will be provided at both your consultation and
your aftercare session.
How Long Does Tear Trough Filler Last?
You can expect to see immediate results from your tear through filler treatment. The results
should still be evident up to 12 months later. When you book your tear trough filler consultation
with Looks Studio Skin Aesthetics Consultants, we’ll also arrange an aftercare/follow-up
consultation, 14 days after the treatment, to ensure that you’re completely satisfied with the
The shape of your Jawline
Lots of people are unhappy with the shape of their faces. But that’s not something you can
change easily, is it?
The answer may surprise you – read on to find out how Botox could help address your concern…
A wider facial profile is often the result of an over-pronounced masseter muscle. This is the large
muscle on either side of your jaw that controls the bite response, pulling your jaws together. It’s
also famously an area where facial tension is held and is tightened whenever your jaw is
clenched. People who grind their teeth often feel soreness in their masseter muscles, as a result
of unconscious overuse.
Masseter Botox
If you’re unhappy with the ‘square jaw’ look caused by overdeveloped masseter muscles, you
can take steps to remedy this concern with masseter botox.
Botox is a hugely versatile medical and aesthetic treatment with many different applications.
Clinicians use Botox to control bruxism (teeth grinding) and to alter the shape of the face.
How Does Masseter Botox Work?
The masseter muscle is just like any other muscle – the harder you work it, the bigger it gets.
When we inject Botox into the masseter, the Botox works to relax the muscle for a prolonged
period of several months and inhibits the automatic transfer of any excess tension to these
overworked muscles. As a result, the muscle mass reduces naturally over time, providing your
face with a slimmer, more oval shape.
Masseter Botox Results
For masseter reduction, Botox has been delivering a high rate of success, with 89% of patients
and clinicians reporting a measurable slimming. The procedure itself doesn’t take long –
generally less than 30 minutes in total, and the results usually last for up to six months.
If you need masseter Botox for medical reasons, such as bruxism or associated tension
headaches, then the success rate is even higher, with all patients in the study linked above
experiencing a considerable alleviation of their symptoms. For bruxism sufferers, this relief can
be vital for the ongoing health of the face, teeth, and jaw – the damage to your teeth from
continuous grinding can be irreparable.
Please note that the treatment will only slim the face if your widened jaw profile is the result of
an overworked masseter – if the wider profile is the result of your bone structure or fatty
deposits, Botox wouldn’t be an effective treatment. Here at Looks Studio, our expert clinicians
consult thoroughly with all our patients before providing any sort of treatment, so we’ll only
recommend a course of treatment that we are sure will provide the results that you want.
Wear your best smile which wins the world, With Marionette Lines Filler
Your smile has been scientifically proven to make the people around you happier – even
strangers. It’s worth looking after if you can.
As the skin ages, lots of people find that their face starts to look a little more…well, serious.
Some of this is due to the continuous pressures of adult life. However, for some people, their
serious look is increased due to marionette lines – facial wrinkles that start at the corners of the
mouth and run downwards towards the jaw. These can create the impression that you’re
frowning – even when your face is at rest.
What Causes Marionette Lines?
Repetitive facial expressions. Are you a lip purser? Repetitive facial expressions involving the
mouth and jawline (such as lip-pursing) place the tissues around the mouth under strain. Over
time, this strain begins to affect the skin’s elasticity, causing it to droop, sag, and wrinkle.
Genetics. There’s evidence to suggest that marionette lines are an inherited genetic trait, along
with other skin features. However, the evidence is inconclusive and offers no guarantee that
you’ll inherit your parent’s wrinkles. And even if you’re genetically predisposed towards
marionette lines, they can still be treated.
External factors, e.g. weathering or nutrition. These factors will affect the health of your skin
generally, and will play a large part in the formation and deepening of wrinkles elsewhere on the
face and body.
How To Get Rid Of Marionette Lines
Fortunately, there are a lot of things you can do to combat and alleviate marionette lines. A strong
self-care routine can help prevent their formation – things like;
Lots of sleep, No smoking, Sunscreen, Careful hydration, A good skincare regime, using retinol-based creams, A healthy diet, with lots of antioxidants (fruit, green leafy vegetables, fish, and nuts)
However, if marionette lines have already begun to form despite your best efforts at self-care,
then there are treatments available to help you get rid of marionette lines.
For deeper, more pronounced wrinkles we recommend marionette lines filler. Fillers for
Marionette lines are small injections of hyaluronic acid into sites around the corners of the
mouth. This firms the skin, lifts the smile and smoothens out any unwanted creases that may
have appeared, giving your mouth and the surrounding area a more youthful, lifted appearance.
Marionette lines filler work instantaneously, with no downtime required after the treatment. It
only takes 15-30 minutes to complete the treatment, and you can expect the results to last
up to nine months. You must book a consultation first, for our experienced
clinicians to assess and advise you on the best course of treatment for your specific skin